This summer has been packed with fun with my Grands! The house is quite....too quite....and I need to get busy working through designs that are long overdue.
In doing this, I'm amazed that I was able to get things done twenty years ago in record time that take me FOREVER today! That being said, I've had a productive few days working out the "kinks" in the revision of my Cinderella design. Who would have thought that putting Cinderella "in the coach" would be so tricky. I'm not complaining!! Twenty five years ago, all the graphs that I put into my designs were hand drawn. Thankfully, my light table sits alone in the corner of my basement collecting dust.
Bonus is that in the process of "taking a break" from the tediousness of creating the Cinderella graphs with horses and a carriage full of stitches, I made
Picture Smocking Graph Paper
I've used it in the past for small designs....usually the things I do are much too large for a single piece of paper...and decided this was definitely something that I can share. This little sheet of paper also took some time as with my graphs, the "scale" of my individual "cable" stitch was made to create a graph that closely resembles what the actual smocked figure will look like. If you're a smocker and have stitched a variety of different designer's work, you know that no two are alike. I have no explanation for this fact. In fact, I am changing my graphs to combine the color graph and the "numbered graph". Hopefully this will make picture smocking easier.
I, not being too blogging savvy, haven't been able to figure out how to link my pdf.doc of the graph paper to this particular post. Anyone with tips or tricks to share....I would be so thankful for your help. Until then, anyone wanting the pdf download .... just leave your email address and I will send it. The pdf.doc prints quite nice as you can see if you click the photo. I have so much to learn!
Happy Smocking
Neato!! I can't wait until you get your Cinderella design finished. I had better hustle and get that Alice in Wonderland done that you had in Sew Beautiful!
I have no clue how to attach a PDF either. I am still struggling with my drawing programs, trying to do them with as little help from my hubby as possible.
I love your graph paper though. I want to try some.
Happy Thursday Gwen. I hope your day is as lovely as you are.
Looks REALLY nice Gwen!! I sent you instructions on how to attach a PDF within your blog post - let me know if you need more assistance.
I would love to have your graph paper. Thanks for sharing!
Welcome back! I'd love to get the pdf for the graph paper. dparker1000@comcast.net. Thanks for sharing!
The graph paper is an excellent idea. I would also love to have the file.
I would love to use your graph paper. It is so nice of you to share it with us! Thank you! ksupper1@verizon.net
Gwen, you are such a generous, talented and humble designer. I would love to have the graph paper pdf. c_tiemannatyahoo.com
We all have a lot to learn. Thanks so much.
I'd love to have the smocking graph paper! Thanks!
I save our newsletter as a pdf and email it as an attachment. I downloaded the free program at dopdf.com
It 'acts' like a printer but instead of printing, you save your files as pdfs and can then attach them to emails. Works like a charm for me! Hope this helps.
Hi Everyone,
Hope you were able to download the graph paper.
Cathy, your email address kicked back..please recheck your comment so I can resend it. I will be out of town this weekend but will send as soon as I get back,
Happy Smocking,
I couldn't figure out how to download the graph paper. Could you email me a copy? I would love to give it a try.
I would love to try your smocking graph paper. Thanks for sharing.
I would love to try your graph paper as well Gwen.
Love the graph paper, Gwen. May I try it too? Thanks so much for your generosity!
smocking sandy
Would love to give your paper a try. My email address: rkbelcher@bellsouth.net
Can't wait to try it.
Thanks so much.
Gwen sorry I am a little challenged when it comes to tech. Please send me a pdf of the Picture Smocking Graph paper. The email address that bounced is c_tiemann@yahoo.com. Thanks so much.
I would love to try the graph paper! Thanks for making it available-
I loved Cinderella many years ago when I smocked it for my third daughter!
I would also love your graph paper.
Kathy Ruess
Can't wait to see your new Cinderella. Your first one was my youngest daughter's favorite. Would love to have a copy of the graph paper. Thank you for sharing. dvandervort@carolina.rr.com
I would love to have a copy of your graph paper. BlueMuses3@aol.com I had a pad of smocking graph paper (which I lost in Hurricane katrina...along with everything else!) I haven't been able to find any since. THANKS!!!
Dear Gwen well first let me say thank you for stopping by to leave a nice comment and for becoming a follower:)
I just love meeting new people especially a nice Southern gal! OK so true confessions:...I have always, always wanted to be a "Southern Belle" and have a beautiful southern accent (I actually do it quite well:) and live in the South...and wear a smocked ball gown! OK so its out, I said it:)
Anyway I love your blog and adore smocking (wish I had grand girls to dress but my grand boys are still cute:)
Again, thank you for stopping I am now your latest follower:)
Hi Gwen,
I would love to get your graph paper in pdf. I have not smocked in many years, but want to smock a dress for my granddaughter for Christmas. I actually got to you page via a google search trying to find the website for "Creative Needle". Sadly, I learned that it was no longer published. I have found a few smocking designs on the internet for no money, and ordered a few off e-bay (not here yet though) Your paper would be a big help in planning a design for my dress. Thanks, Cindy
Thank you for your generous offer of the graph paper.
I would love to try your graph paper. Thank you so much for sharing.
Gwen, I would love a you to email the pdf for the graph file! Thanks Kim Hollis
Thank you. I would like the graph paper and can hardly wait for "the new" Cinderella" I have a one year old grandbabby and I know she will want a Cinderella dress.
Thank you I would like smocking graph paper and look forward to you finishing the "new" Cinderella. I have a one year old grandaughter and I know she will want a Cinderella dress someday.
Oh how wonderful, Gwen! Hope I'm not too late... I'd love to have your smocking graph paper also!
Thanks so much!
Please send me the smocking graph paper. Thank you for sharing !
Hey, Gwen, thanks for stopping by!
The Nashville Flea market is once a month. If you click over to Layla's post from my blog, you will see the entire schedule & times for the market, so you can definitely go next month if you'd like. It was fun!
This is great! I would love for you to share with me at eelizabeths@hotmail.com.
I'm about to begin my first smock with your Alice in Wonderland and I have my fingers crossed for that Cinderella design. We are taking our 18 month old daughter to Disney for the first time in November and I want her to be all decked out :)
Your designs are beautiful. I would love to have your graph paper, thank you or sharing it.
Thanks so much for your offer to share your graph paper. I'm looking forward to Cinderella!
I would like a copy of the graph paper. My email is raristy@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot!
Oh my Gwen! I just am getting back to blogland and just checked out your previous post and the Cinderella smocking is so very very pretty!!!
Hugs to you! Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
Thank you! mrslaurahill@gmail.com
Thank you Gwen! cnjz_mom@charter.net
Gwen, I would love to have your graph paper. You are so sweet to share. ktriarico@gmail.com
I would love the graph paper. Thank you! mritchie2 (at) gmail (dot) com
thanks again!
I would love a copy of your picture smocking Graph paper.
I just found this link through google. Please forgive me for not being able to figure things out from the blogs. However, is your Cinderella design available? If so, please let me know where I can purchase it. Thank you.
Sharon - ssaltee@gmail.com
I'd love to have your graph paper! Thanks in advance!
I would love your graph paper! Thanks in advance! Linda
I would love to have the pdf of the graph paper! Thanks.
Could you please send me a copy of your graph paper too?!?! Thanks!
I would love to get the pdf of the smocking graph paper.
My email address is:
I would love to get the pdf of the smocking graph paper.
My email address is:
Gwen, your designs are amazing! I would to download your graph paper if it's still possible. My email is patticonway@gmail.com. Thank you so much for sharing.
I would love to try the smocking graph paper if it is still available. I realize that this post if from a few months back. This is my email just in case. designsmck@gmail.com
I too would love to try your smocking graph paper if you still have it available. Can you please send it to SewBlessedInAmishCountry@hotmail.com.
How generous of you! I would love to receive a copy of your smocking graph paper. Thank you for your willingness to share!
Happy sewing!!!
I have been searching and searching for graph paper - for smocking since i cannot find a gamecock pattern ANYWHERE! i would love to gte a copy of this pdf.
thank you!
If it's not too late, I would love to have access to your graph paper. It looks awesome!
Thanks, Kathy
Could I have a copy of your graph paper. I love your designs and what you have done.Thanks
I am new to smocking, so I want to do a simple something for Easter. May I have a PDF copy of your graph? shipley7106@comcast.net. Thank you in advance. I am hoping to have matching outfits for my son and my daughter by Easter. Fingers crossed! :)
I would love a copy of the graphing paper. I've been adjusting smocking patterns and it sure would help!
Your graph paper looks like what I have been wanting to make my own smocking designs. Could you please send me the file, too. Thanks Susan
I would love a copy of your graph paper too--cvalkj@gmail.com
Need to make a shark design for my son's birthday party!
I would love to have the PDF file. Thanks for sharing it.
I have loved your designs for years! I've been smocking since 1981 for 4 daughters and now 2 grandsons. I would love to have your smocking graph pdf so I can create my own designs for the boys.
Thank you!
Alicia in MS
Hi Gwen,I would like to have the graph paper.Thanks for sharing.
love your stuff ,would like pdf of picture graph paper
need to get pdf for graph paper
I would love to have your graph paper. Thanks for sharing!
Hi, I would love to have this sent to me too! I am going to attempt to make my own smocking plate....
Can you please send me the picture smocking graph paper file?
Thank you very much.
I would also love to have a copy of your graph paper. Thank You so much!! :)
I would love to have a copy of your graph paper.
Thank You!
Thanks so much for offering the graph paper. I have been on the hunt all weekend for some and was so excited to find your blog and this generous offer. My email address is chanclan82@hotmail.com
I would love to have your graph paper in PDF. Thanks very much.
I will love to get a copy too. Thank you marievictor08@hotmail.com
kac331@yahoo.com I would like the graph paper thank you so much!!!
I would love a copy of your smocking paper if it's still available. vinesjanda@yahoo.com thanks!
Is it possible to still get the paper? I'd love to try it out and make a post linking to your site if possible.
lindyhopsandclaypots@gmail.com. Thanks!
Hi Gwen I just discover your page, and I´m sharing it with my friends who likes smocking too. I love your Alice design since I saw it in the Sew beautiful magazine.
I would like to know if you still can send the graph paper? I would love to have it too, I live in Mexico, so, you have a fan in Mexico now! Thank you very much!
Gwen, Just found your blog. Love your design and graph paper! Could you send me your graph paper pdf? Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!
Just found your blog. Love your idea!
Please send me your graph paper to print off. Thanks so much!
Rose RDH77aol.com
Could you send me a copy of your smocking paper?
I would love to have a copy of the pdf for graph paper if it is still available. Thank you so much. Rhadonda
I hope it's not too late to request this great graph paper!
My email: mommysapronstrings@gmail.com
Hi, I've just discovered smocking and would love to have a copy of the smocking graph paper pdf to experiment with. This is so nice of you. I just love your site and wow..if you ever get tired of making designs, that Cinderella cake would get you a job anywhere...You have a lot of talents!
I would love to have a copy of your graph paper. I'm not much of a designer, but every now and then I want to test a modification. My email address is deborah@ectriad.com Thanks
I realize this post was a long time ago, but I would LOVE to have the smocking graph paper. I've tried to make my own, but I haven't gotten it right, yet! Thanks a million!! whitmorecm@gmail.com
I am needing a smocking graph paper to map out a monogram design. Please send to bmhightower@yahoo.com. Thank you!
Like the MANY people before me, I would love to have a copy of the pdf so that I might design a special design for my granddaughter and grandson. They have special requests and believe their Sunshine (my grandmother name) can do anything with smocking and sewing. Please email it to rsimmo@gmail.com
Thank you so much for sharing all your great ideas.
I'd love a copy of your picture smocking graph paper--I've had several people ask me for custom picture smocked dresses and I wasn't sure where to begin till now ;)
Thank you in advance,
Hi..I would love to have a copy of the pdf for graph paper if it is still available. Thank you so much.
I would love to try your graph paper so I can design some smocking plates. Is it still available? Thank you so much!
Hi Gwen,
I am new to smocking and completely addicted. So much fun!! I would love a pdf of your graph paper and your cinderella carriage plate design (for personal use, of course). My email is j_hunsicker@msn.com. thx!!
I just began smocking and am OBSESSED! I would love the PDF of your smocking graph paper, and if you are willing to share, the cinderella carriage plate design as well. Of course for my personal use. My email is victoriamorganlee@gmail.com
I would be very glad to receive your PDF with the graph paper. i love smocking about... 30 years and spend a lot of times at the children hospital, stitching when staying in waiting room with children. ...
I had graph paper for 20 years but lost it, and yours seems to be "top".
Thanks for all,
I would love to get the pdf file for your graph paper. This is sooo awesome. Thank you.
May I please have your graph paper? jennifermbadger@gmail.com
Thank you -- Jennifer
If you're still sharing, I would appreciate the graph paper. It's time to create a TCU Horned Frogs plate!
email is vbgrimes@gmail.com
Can I get your paper, please? Need to try and do a USC logo. Many thanks for your beautiful gifts of smocking. mcleodstan@hotmail.com
I would also love a copy of your picture smocking graph paper. My email is:
thank you!
I hope that the offer of the free picture smocking graph paper is still available? If so, may I please have a sheet emialed to me as well? Thank you so much, in advance! SGAROFAL at WM dot com
Sam Garofalo
I know you posted this a while back but I am just starting to smock and I would love to get a copy of the paper!
I forgot to leave my email address . . . sallycbeaty@hotmail.com
Hi Gwen, I had asked previously for a copy of your graph but never received it. Could you please send it to:
I would love to get a copy of your smocking graph paper! tjohnson006@centurytel.net
Thanks so much!
I am an avid self taught smocker and would love to have a copy of your graph paper. Thank you for your generosity!!!
my email is
My email address is
I am a smocker in Tokyo,Japan.
I would love to have a copy of your graph paper, if still available.
Thank you so much!!
Hello! I would love to have a copy of your graph paper if you are still offering to send it. Thanks for your generosity. Tanya tanya@sdaus.com
Is the smocking graph paper still available. I would like to purchase some if it is. capileggi316@gmail.com Thank you, Carol Ann Pileggi
Gwen, I cannot find the smocking graph paper you sent. Could you send me another copy? My email is capileggi316.com
Thank you, Carol Ann Pileggi
Would you please send me a copy of the pdf file to the graph paper? My email is tgk1121@aol.com. Thank you, Theresa Kinser
Would you please send me a copy of the pdf file to the graph paper? My email is sharon.weaver23@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Sharon Weaver
Funny! Last night I was working on making me a graph, and today I come across your posting. Would you please send me a copy of the pdf file to the graph paper? My email is mercedesj29@yahoo.com.
Thank you,
Mercedes Jaques
Hi Gwen,
Could you please send me the PDF of your graph paper. Thank you
Hi Gwen, Could you please send me a pdf of your graph paper? My email is Lmmehn317@msn.com thanks! Marlene
I would love a pdf of your graph paper! mimimv@aol.com
You are so awesome, thank you!!
Just an update. I now have comment notifications sent to my email. So I have emailed those of you asking for the PDF of the smocking graph paper. If I failed to send it to you, PLEASE, let me know! I hope the email gets to you and the download works.
Happy Smocking, Gwen
Dear Gwen, Thank you for sharing the graph paper. I would love to receive a PDF copy. Please email mandy.hoskins@btinternet.com kind regards Mandy
Hi Mandy.....Just sent the PDF.
Happy Smocking, Gwen
I would love to get the PDF for the graph paper. would make it so much easier to create a quick design for a bit of smocking. Thanks, Mary
I would also love to get the pdf for the graph paper if it is still available. victoriawgriggs@gmail.com Thank You, Victoria
Hi Mary and Victoria, Just sent the PDF. Please check your spam/junk folder.
Happy Smocking, Gwen
Hi Everyone,
I just realized that when sending a group email, that some were not going through. If anyone is still interested in the Graph paper pdf, please let me know. I now have email notifications turned on (sorry for that) and can send.
Happy Smocking,
Thank you Gwen for the graph paper. This will be fun to use. I love dresses with a center smocked design.
-- Mary
I would very much love the smocking graph paper. I have loved your work and enjoyed sewing it for many years. Thank you.
Could I request the pdf for graph paper if still available. Thanks so much for making this available. cannedquilter@yahoo.com
Could you please send me the pdf for the smocking graph paper. judyg203@comcast.net
Please send me the pdf for the smocking graph paper Thanks! cfshellsc@gmail.com
I'd really like to have a copy of the smocking graph paper as well. Thank you so much!
Would love a PDF file please. Skearney320@gmail.com
Would love a PDF file please. Skearney320@gmail.com
Would love a PDF file please. Skearney320@gmail.com
I just came across your post on Pinterest about the smocking graph paper. I would love to have a copy. My email is susancollier@ftcweb.net
The graph paper is an excellent idea. I would also love to have the file please. helenmartinezh@gmail.com
Hello, Could you please send me a pdf of your graph paper?My email is
Could I get the pdf for the graph paper? I want to design something for my granddaughter.
My email address is rfoster146@gmail.com
Hi Gwen, We met years ago when you taught a class in Milford, Delaware and stayed at my mother's house while you were in town. I'm back to smocking again for my 5 grandchildren and would love to have your pdf for the graph paper. My email is rollingslynn@aol.com. Thanks in advance and happy New Year!
Mary Lynn
Hi,Could I get the pdf for the graph paper? Now that I have two granddaughters, I need to start smocking again!
My email address is joygaiser@cs.com
Thank you very much!
Hello Gwen,
With the birth of our 1st grandchild (a girl), I have started to smock again after a 27 year hiatus.
I would love to use your graph paper. I would like to make an inset with shamrocks but have never been able to find a plate. My email address is 2okgrady@gmail.com Thank you in advance. Happy New Year.
Hello Gwen
I am very sorry to hear of your loss and hope you can find some solace through your art.
I would love to have a copy of your graph paper - I am expecting my first grandchild soon and would like to try my hand at designing.
Many thanks
Just beginning smocking and would love your graph paper.
Where can I find info on how to correctly draw or graph designs?
I would love to get the .pdf of your smocking graph paper if it's still available. My email is fannieamy@rocketmail.com. Your plates are beautiful! I'm glad I found your site.
May I have a copy of your smocking graph paper please? My email isj.gretsch@att.net. Thank you!
May I have a copy of your smocking graph paper. My email is pchanler@bellsouth.net
I would like a copy of your smocking graph paper. Pchanler@bellsouth.net. thanks
I had just found the picture smocking graph paper that you have. If it is still available, would you be so kind to send that to me in the pdf. i would appreciate it so much. thank you in advance. Phyllis G, my email is pwgray03@gmail.com. thanks again
ps... also if you have the Cinderella smocking plate available, please let me know how to get that also. Thanks
Beth Childs - I have just re-entered the world of smocking. I smocked all of my daughter's (now 31) dresses, rompers, jumpsuits, etc. when she was young. Now I have a grandson to smock for. I was trying to create a new design specifically for him and stumbled across you blog on pinterest this morning. I would love to try your smocking graph paper, I think that would help me tremendously in this project. If you are still providing it, please email to bethjoneschilds@yahoo.com
Happy Smocking to all!
Hi, I've been searching the web for smocking graph paper and stumbled upon your very kind offer. If still available please could you email me a copy of the pdf file. Thanks so much.
I just found your blog and love all your posts! I would love to have a copy of your smocking graph paper as I have just started smocking again. Thank you!
I too would love a copy of your smocking graph paper. I need to smock a design that is not published anywhere, so need to design it myself. Thanks in advance!
Nine years from your first posts....I also would like the pdf if it is still available. Please send to dmiw28655@yahoo.com Thanks so much!
Would love to have a copy of your smocking graph paper if you are still sending out the pdf!
Thank you SOOO much!
I hope you are still sending a copy of your smocking graph paper. If so, I would a copy. My e-mail is sodoathome@comcast.net I am just starting to make my own designs. Do you also have instructions on how to make your design on the graph paper? Thank you
I just read you post from early 2018. I am so sorry for you loss. Prayers for you and your family. I realize it has been a year since that post but prayers always help. Had a friend who lost hubby to sudden accident & I know it is not something you get over but rather go through it.
Hi Gwen! I’m new(ish) to smocking, and I’m hoping you enlarged graph will help me with the notion of keeping my floss above and below my needle. I found your post on Pinterest, and was hoping to find a place to order the paper, but found your blog instead. If you’re still emailing this pdf in advance! 54554wis@gmail.com
Not sure this is still an option but I would love a copy of your smocking graph paper. I have an idea for a plate and would love to try yours. autigas@yahoo.com
Hi Gwen, if this is stillactive I would love the pdf of your graph paper!! Many thanks!
I would love your graph paper if you are still offering . Wtbankoski@gmail.com
I am in desperate need of your smocking paper.... if you're still offering it.... I need to enlarge a letter and would prefer to not do it on the fly as it is for a gift. Thanks so much
I am in desperate need of your smocking paper.... if you're still offering it.... I need to enlarge a letter and would prefer to not do it on the fly as it is for a gift. Thanks so much
I am in desperate need of your smocking paper.... if you're still offering it.... I need to enlarge a letter and would prefer to not do it on the fly as it is for a gift. Thanks so much
Are you able to send me the pdf of your graph paper please
Kind regards
I see this is a post from 2010, so you may not still be responding to it, but my email address is mclong46@gmail.com if you are still able to share the .pdf for the smocking graph paper.
Many thanks.
I would love to have the graph as a pdf as well if you aren't weary of this request!
I am not the one selling it. I don’t hv a pdf at all. You will hv to find the right source. I think it was someone in California. I had a hard time getting a response from her. Please font continue asking me as I don’t have what you want. Thanks
Hello I would love to try your graph paper too. Could you please email me Ngaire.addis@gmail.com
Is this still available? Please send to carswellfamily@yahoo.com
Gwen, I would love to have a copy of your graph. I am having a difficult time trying to find a pattern to match the fabric I am going to use to make a dress for my first granddaughter who is due in October. It has a white background with clusters of peaches. (She is being named after my mom, Georgia, and I am already calling her my "Mala Peachesa" (little peach, in Czech). Bought the fabric from Spoonflower, and tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you.
sorry my post posted twice, my computer is acting crazy. keishaemoore@gmail.com
If you still have the graph paper available I would love you to send me the pdf file.
Thank you!
can you please send me the pdf smocking graph paper.jengutier5@hotmail.com
thank you
Thank you for making this smocking graph paper available to other smockers so many years ago. If it is still available, can you please send me the pdf smocking graph paper? Please sent it to sewmarykathryn@hotmail.com.
The Cinderella smocking plate is beautiful.
Thank you!
If you still have the smocking graph paper, I would like some. Janar.blount@gmail.com
Si todavía está disponible el papel cuadriculado en pdf, por favor me envias a correo ramsalmer@gmail.com
Me seria de mucha utilidad, gracias por compartir.
Hola una pregunta si te enviaron el papel cuadrículado??
I would like to use your PDF graph paper .could you please to share . Thank you. isaovi7@gmail.com
Awesome! I would like a copy of the graph paper. My email is vorig2002@aol.com
Thank you
I would love to have your graph paper.
Thank you!
Hi Gwen,
if still available I would love a copy of your Smocking Graph Paper. It's the best I have come across.
My email is:-
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