Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finding Prince Charming

Sometimes meeting the right guy
can make dinner just ever so nice.

Emma loves her Princess (sigh) I've resigned myself to not killing
myself to create a one-of-a-kind Disney smocked dress for our annual trip to Disney.

I've tried many different character arrangements and still haven't decided on one. There are so many choices and so little space.

However, she has requested the newest Cinderella on a pink sundress....
"So Nana, I can play in it!"

I have been working on a new Cinderella for some time and

keep reivising to the point of being silly.

Since the original Cinderella smocking design layout of the

Coach, White Horse and Cinderella

is what Emma prefers, then I will probably be sticking with that.

It also seems to be one most "borrowed" (illegally) by an "un-named" Boutique Smocking Company also. Truthfully, that has been my hesitation in creating another design.....only to have it stolen....manufactured in El Salvador and sold for $35. onEbay after everyone hits their warehouse sale.

Oh well........must keep stitching regardless of unscrupulous people!!!!

Hugs and Happy Smocking,



  1. The Princess is so cute & that Prince...oh, my, if I were about 35 yrs younger! Sorry to hear that your designs are stolen, but in today's world, there is a lot of that going on. Your Cinderella has always been a favorite of mine.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  2. Hi nice to meet you and your Smocking blog!
    I used to love to smock my daughters clothing when they were small.
    Wonderful that you have made a business out of something you love to do!
    I loved looking through your posts...You are very talented,
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  3. Oh she looks so smitten with her Prince Charming! My DGD has a similar dress & has worn it to death!!!

    I wish I were good enough at picture smocking to create your lovely Cinderella plate. *sigh* My patience & eyesight both work against me. I'm sad to hear the original has been unscrupulously duplicated. Sad.

  4. gwen
    where can we get the plate??? It is darling!!

  5. Hi Gwen. Your grandgirl in her Cinderella dress is so darling. What a princess! I am so sorry that your designs have been stolen. I have tried unsuccessfully to buy that plate. Is it available for sale now? It is so cute!

    I tried to respond to your post on my blog but you do not have an email listed with your google account. Can you email me please?
    I wanted to tell you about the yellow cluny lace.
    Happy Tuesday. I hope your week is lovely.

  6. This Prince Charming was everything...and more. Emma was so shy....he talked softly to her...patiently listened to her talk about her dress...and let her decided when to take the picture. What was so funny was she turned to me after he moved to the next table and said..."Nana, he kissed my hand...that was SOOO yucky!" Gotta love it!

  7. What a very clever lady you are, i just love your picture smocking i am very much a novice at smocking and picture smocking is somthing i have not yet had the courage to try, all i know i have taught myself from books as smocking is a dieing art over here and there are no classes localy so it is very nice to see what you talented ladies make. Take care hugs Pat

  8. Oh, a pink Cinderella dress will be just adorable! I can't wait to see it! Love that plate!

  9. Where can you buy this plate? I have been looking for something like this for months now. So glad I came across your blog!

  10. Gwen it is sad that people think after the plate is no longer available that it is okay to copy, either by stitching it or by copy machine. I love that design and my youngest daughter wore it to Disneyland on her 6th birthday.

  11. Wow what a fantastic picture! And how utterly sweet she looks. I am sure she will indeed find her prince one day!
    And your work..!Goodness it is lovely...You do more than sew, you create...that is artistry!

    (latest work: )

  12. I would sure like a copy of the plate for my little husband and I are taking our oldest granddaughter to Disneyland in Anaheim in September for her 5 year old trip. She would LOVE that smocked on a dress...any suggestions?

  13. Sara, Robin, Sivje and Karen.....still in the "can't decide which format" about this design. I HATE to do the same thing I'm leaning away from recreating the Cinderella design plate as published in 1985. Can't believe it's been that long! So....when I get a graph done, I may just "share" it with all my blogging friends before it actually gets published if you don't mind finding my errors...LOL.

  14. Hi Gwen,
    Emma's such a cutie! It sounds as if she plans on using the beautiful things that come her way in life ("So Nana, I can play in it!"). We should all follow her example, rather saving certain things for very, very special occasions.

    It must be very disheartening that your wonderful designs have been stolen. I know it's supposed to be a form of flattery, but I'm sure that's of little comfort.

    Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

    Bye for now,

  15. Gwen, you sound like a very charming lady! Your site caught my eye since about 20 years ago I smocked a few dresses for my daughter. I never did get to master picture smocking though,which I think takes real talent! Your designs are beautiful. Maybe someday I'll share my handiwork on Show and Tell Friday!

  16. I am very new to smocking. My mother in law just sent me 8 dresses all pleated and ready to go for my two little girls so I have been searching for smocking plates that I like. My favorite I've seen anywhere are your Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland. We are going to Disneyworld this December and I'd love to be able to make them. Are either of them going to be available soon? Or are they already?

  17. Gwen, I need your smocking plate
    Coach, White Horse and Cinderlla
    Dolly Simpson 901-674-3175 or

  18. Gwen,

    I would love to buy the Cinderellas Smocking plate. Could you please give me any details. We are planning our first trip to Disney this year, and I would love to make matching dresses for my two girls. Thanks!

    Cate Connery Bury

  19. I'm like the other ladies here and have been looking for a Cinderella smocking plate to purchase. Please tell me how I can buy yours. Thanks, Amy

  20. I too have been looking for a cinderalla design. I love yours with the coach and princess. Can you please let me know how I can buy a copy. Email me at Thank you

  21. Gwen, I have just stumbled upon your blog and your work is beautiful! If it is available I would love to purchase the Cinderella plate. I have just gotten into smocking and have completed a few designs for my now 6 month old (who was a true miracle!). My husband and I got married at Disney almost 5 years ago. Even if it is not available, I just wanted to mention how beautiful it is! You are amazingly talented.

  22. Gwen- I have alway admired your designs- they are timeless! I too have been searching for a Cinderella design just like the one you have and would love to be able to purchase it when you are ready. How can we be sure to know when your creative heart feels the design is complete?
    Clarks Summit, PA

  23. I'm also intereste in this plate! I have your original cinderella plate, and plan to make it for my oldest daughter. I'd love to have this one to make for my younner daughter. They love to coordinate! Thank you!!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I'm not sure how to contact/email you. My email address is

  26. This is too adorable! My mom did alot of smocking when I was a little girl, and now that I have a 2 month old little princess of my own, she pulled out some of my old baby dresses from the early 1980's! I am trying to get her to teach me how to smock, because I think it is so classic and elegant, and ladylike, and I love the traditional look! I also LOVE anything Disney related, so when I saw this post, I knew I had to learn how to recreate the Cinderella coach with the white horses! I don't know much about how the process works, but I keep reading about a "smocking plate" this something that is available for sale? Id really appreciate if you can direct me where to buy your design. So gorgeous and just perfect!

    Thank you so much!

    Oh, and BTW you should have an automatic copyright on your designs...if someone has stolen them, you can definitely pursue the copyright infringement! It is not too complicated, and you may not even have to hire an attorney. That is so terrible, and Im so sorry about that!


  27. I too have stumbled upon your blog while searching for a Cinderella smocking plate. It seems that the plate might be out of print? But if it is available for purchase, can you let me know how to buy it? It's absolutely beautiful!!!!


  28. Hi,
    I'm somewhat new to smocking, self taught and have really only made one dress and a pair of matching sandals. I really want to make my girls some bishop dresses. Can you recommend a good pattern to me? Also I have been searching for Disney Princess smocking plates and can't find them anywhere. Can you direct me? Thank you so much.

  29. I had that plate & have either loaned it to someone years ago or somehow have misplaced it. I would love to have it again. I now have a granddaughter & would love to do it for her. We plan on taking her to Disneyland soon. Is there anyway it will ever be reprinted. Loved all your work.
    Karen Riales

  30. I would love to purchase your Cinderella smocking plate. My daughter would love it, especially for our trip to Disney. If it is available to purchase you can reach me

  31. I would love to buy the cinderella smocking plate!! I have 3 little princesses who would love this.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I would love to buy your smocking pattern if possible.

  34. This is beautiful Is there any way for me to get the smocking plate?
    thanks, judy

  35. Hi, is it possible to buy your cinderella plate

    Thank you

  36. may i buy your cinderella plate with her in the coach & 2 horses? it’s lovely
